Below is an index of images 101 - 125 of "Socorro County Death
Certificates, 1936 - 1938", found on the Family Search website. There
are 602 images on this database. I will continue indexing this database
on subsequent posts over the next few weeks.
This index includes only the following information: name of deceased,
(parents of deceased if the deceased was a child), residence, birth date
or age, and death date.
To view the actual images, click on this link.
101. "Unnamed Salazar" (parents: Pedro Salazar of Puerto de Luna & Beatrice Pino of Sabinal), "born dead", Magdalena, May 2, 1936.
102. Catalina Monica Ernestina Chavez (parents: Vicente S. Chavez of Turn and Dulcinea Chavez of San Juan), non-resident died in San Juan, April 30, 1936 - July 2, 1936. Born in San Juan.
103. Pablita C. de Lopez, Socorro, January 25, 1853 - July 6, 1936. Born in Lemitar. Parents: Patricio Castillo & Maria Pascuala Torres.
104. W. R. Mitchel, Socorro, November 1859 - July 16, 1936. Born in Kansas. parents: Jacob MItchell & Catherine Callingham.
105. Maria Alice MacDonald, Magdalena, November 6, 1872 - July 17, 1936. Born in Jeffersonville, Indiana. Parents: Nobel F. Davis of Greecastle, Indiana and Ada M. Thomas of Indianopolis, Indiana.
106. Mrs. Antonia Rivera, Magdalena, October 19, 1883 - July 19, 1936. Maiden name: Perea, from Monticello.
107. Tomasita P. Contrearas, Contreras, December 31, 1862 - July 19, 1936. Born in La Joya, maiden name Peralta.
108. Jesusita V. Gabaldon, Contreras, about 102 years old - July 21, 1936.
109. Clara A. Golden (parents: George W. Golden, Jr. & Placida Torres0, Socorro, September 6, 1935 - July 22, 1936.
110. Pedro Gallegos (parents: Pedro Gallegos & Gloria Rosela Miera), Jr., Socorro, July 12, 1936 - July 23, 1936.
111. Isabel Madrid (parents: Samuel Madrid & Maria Reina Mendoza), Socorro, December 9, 1935 - August 2, 1936.
112. Maria Eufelia Montoya (parents: Jose Montoya & Rita Martinez), Socorro, August 1, 1936 - August 3, 1936.
113. Juan Jose Luna (parents: Frank Luna & Irenea Herrera), Socorro, May 31, 1936 - August 6, 1936.
114. Vicente Chavez y Torrez, La Joya, April 1, 1867 - July 29, 1936.
115. Ramon Ernesto Silva (parents: Tuburcio Silva & Isabel Telles), Socorro, December 31, 1935 - August 7, 1936.
116. Evarista Barella, Socorro, about 55 years old - August 15, 1936. Maiden name: Baca.
117. Aneceta Aragon (parents: Anastacio Aragon & Barbarita Cebada), Socorro, June 8, 1935 - August 26, 1936.
118. Santiago Sedillo (parents: Victoriano Sedillo & Jesusita Gonzales), Florida, June 6, 1932 - September 8, 1936.
119. Ramon Nonato Sanchez (parents: Felipe Sanchez & Rosita Estrada), San Antonio, April 9, 1936 - July 26, 1936.
120. Franklin Thomas Burt, Dusty, January 3, 1883 - June 4, 1936. Born near Oberlin, Decatur, Kansas.
121. Juanita Getrudes Romero (parents: Julian Romero & Cornelia Savedra), Las Nutrias, June 18, 1936 - June 18, 1936.
122. Mary Ann Chandler (parents: Leland Alfred Chaudler of Rankin, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma & Frances Larraine Trammell & Gem City, Hemphill County, Texas), Magdalena, August 26, 1936 - August 27, 1936.
123. Crespin Garcia (parents: Hermergildo Garcia & Maria Velasquez), San Antonio, February 22, 1859 - August 22, 1936.
124. Samuel Perrie Rudder, Greens Gap (died in Magdalena), July 25, 1888 - August 19, 1936. Born in Coffeyville, Montgomery County, Kansas.
125. Maria Cristina Manqueras (parents: Damacio Manqueras & Nicolasa de Vara), San Antonio, July 24, 1936 - July 31, 1936.
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