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1818 List of Socorro Residents

According to J. J. Bowden, there were 70 families that re-settled Socorro, New Mexico in 1815. There is no list of who these families were. Ronald Miera in his article "Who Were the Settlers of Socorro Town Land Grant?" (Herencia, Volume 9, issue 3, July 2001) used Belen baptismal records to figure out who were the Socorro grant families. Although the San Miguel Church was not established until July 1821, baptismal records going back to August 17, 1816, showed babies being born in Socorro.

I have found another record that shows an early list of Socorro residents. In the microfilm "Spanish Archives of New Mexico 1621-1821, Series 2, Roll 19", I found a list of Socorro residents who contributed to a campaign against the Navajos on September 18, 1818. This is found on frames 268 & 269, catagorized as "Twitchell 2747".

Sixty-four individuals are listed on these two pages, including a few female spouses and widows of certain residents. Some of the spouses are not listed by name, but rather simply as spouses of certain residents.

Below is a list of these names:

El Alce [The Alcalde] Dn [Don] Migl [Miguel] Aragon

Dn Juan Dionisio Baca

Dn Xavier Garsia

Su Esposa [his wife]

Diego Antonio Beytia [Abeyta]

Pedro Antonio Silva

Jose Anto Gutierres

Bartolo Romero

hagustin Trujio [Agustin Trujillo]

Jose Padia [Padilla]

Lorenso Padia

Santiago Romero

Dionisio Maldonado

Antonio Truxilo [Trujillo]

Francisco Savedra

Antonio Jose Maldonado

Migl Baldes [Valdez]

Domingo Padia

Antonio Jose Benavides

Domingo Gallego [Gallegos]

Juan Salasar

Ramon Lopes

Bernardo Trujillo

Pasqual Serna

Felipe Padia

Bisente [Vicente] Silva

Antonio Griego

Rafael Apodaca

Anselmo Tafolla

Antonio Baca

Bisente Griego

Dn Pedro Garsia

Christobal Salazar

Dn Felisiano Montoya

Jose Maria Martin

Rafael Lopes

Lorenso Luna

Francisco Baca

Carlos Romero

Juaquin Aragon

Christoval Montoya

Jose Manuel Ruival

Juan Tafoya

Dn Baustista Chaves

Da [Dona] Ana Maria Sanches Esposa del tiente [wife of the lieutenant]  Dn Dionosio Baca

Maria getrudis Martin Esposa [wife] de Antonio Gurule

Manuel trujillo Melsiano (?)

Dn Diego Sanches

Salvador aragon

Jose Manuel Bijil [Vigil]

Su Esposa de Jose Padia

Su Esposa de Juaquin aragon

Juan Montoya

La Esposa de Anselmo tafoa

Antonio Montoya

Jose Antonio Molina

Rafael abeita

La Espa de [The wife of] Anto Trujo [Antonio Trujillo]

Simon Maldonado

Migl Perea

Antonio Cario [Carillo]

Luis Rivera

Barvara Barela vuida [widow]

tomas Salasar

There is some other wording on the document, including what these people contributed. I'm also not 100% sure that I have all the names correct, so I would like to have someone look these over for me.

There is more to this document than just names of Socorro residents. It also has a list of Sevillita, Belen, Tome and Toas residents, too. It would be good to have the entire document transcribed, translated and published at some point.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this information. I find that I know very little about this land grant or the settlers that were there. I am helping a gal from California who matches me on Family Finder and we found her family is from Socorro. I am going to share some of this information with her so she can learn a little about her great grandfather's ancestors.
