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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Official Election Results - from 1912 - Socorro County, New Mexico

In honor of Election Day, I decided to post these official voting returns for Socorro County - from 1912. This election happened a few days after New Mexico became a state. A number of these men were descendants of Socorro founders, or married to said descendants.

Official Election Returns on County Officers

Socorro County - County Commissioners. First District: J. S. Baca 1888; Emil Kiehne 1591; Second District: Leandro Baca 1747; Leopoldo Contreras 1723; Third District: Benito Belarde 1803; Harvey Richards 1697.
Probate Judge: Misaias Baca 1945; John Greenwald 1548.
County Clerk: Edward Fortune 1816; E.H. Sweet 1655.
Sheriff: Emil James 1720; Henry Dreyfus 1674; John Martin 102; Jose L. Baca 1.
Assessor: A.B. Baca 1813; George E. Cook 1680.
Treasurer: Max H. Montoya 1893; Jose E. Torres 1570.
Superintendent of Schools: Benjamin Sanchez 1845; C.B. Sedillo 1637.
Surveyor - George King 1952; Rolla Russell 1553.

Source: "Official Election Returns on County Officers," announcement, Santa Fe New Mexico, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 22 January 1912, election results for Socorro County offices; online archives ( : accessed 8 November 2016); Newspaper Archive website.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Brothers Candelario Garcia and Juan Jose Baca

The 10 March 1900 issue of "The Chieftain" (Socorro, New Mexico), had the following notice:

Probate Clerk H. G. Baca has appointed Juan Jose Baca and Candelario Garcia administrators of the estate of their mother, Guadaloupe (sic) T. de Baca, recently deceased.
This short article demonstrates the merging of two Socorro Land Grant families with another early Socorro family.

Maria Guadalupe Torres was the daughter of Santiago Torres and Maria Barbara Ortiz were residents of Belen. Santiago was recorded in the 1818 enumeration of Belen residents who contributed to the military campaign against the Navajos. This Torres family moved to Socorro between 2 October 1820 and 3 February 1824 when two of their children were baptized - one of Belen; the other in Socorro. Therefore, they are not original Socorro Land Grantees, but rather an early Socorro family.

Maria Guadalupe Torres first married Francisco Antonio Garcia on 23 February 1825 in Socorro. Francisco Antonio Garcia was the son of Francisco Xavier Garcia Jurado, one of Socorro Land Grant founders (Francisco Antonio's mother Maria Josefa Sanchez may have died before his father came to Socorro.) Francisco Antonio Garcia and Maria Guadalupe Torres were the parents of the aforementioned Candelario Garcia. They were also the parents of Juana Maria Garcia, my 3rd great-grandmother.

After Francisco Xavier Garcia Jurado's death, Maria Guadalupe Torres married Pedro Antonio Baca. He was the son of Socorro founders Juan Dionisio Baca and Maria Rita Pino. Pedro Antonio Baca was the father of Juan Jose Baca.

Both the Garcia and Baca families were very important defenders of the Socorro Land Grant, as this historical piece and obituary attest. (Click on the links to read the articles.) Finding this notice which confirms the blended Garcia, Torres and Baca families is a good find.

The Chieftain. (Socorro, N.M.) 1890-1901, March 10, 1900, Image 1.

Persistent link:


Robert J. C. Baca, "Early Settlers of the Socorro Land Grant: An 1818 List: Part I," New Mexico Genealogist, vol. 50 (September 2011): p. 117.

Robert J. C. Baca, "Maria Guadalupe Torres: One Woman's Life in Nineteenth Century Socorro", New Mexico Genealogist, 48 (June 2009), 78-85.


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Obituary: Meliton Gonzales, postmaster of Lemitar, 1909

The following obituary was in 16 January 1909 issue of The Socorro Chieftain (Socorro, New Mexico.)

Meliton Gonzales, postmaster at Lemitar, died at his home at that place Tuesday night, a victim of pneumonia. The deceased was a good citizen, well known and generally respected in Socorro county.
Source: Obituary: Meliton Gonzales, Socorro Chieftain [microfilm], Socorro, New Mexico, 16 January 1909.

Obituary: Julianita Torres, 1909

I found a short obituary for Julianita Torres in 23 January 1909 edition of the Socorro Chieftain. Below is my transcription:

Death of Julianita Torres

Miss Julianita Torres, daughter of Canuto Torres, deceased, and Isabelita Padilla de Torres, died at her home in this city at the age of twenty years and twelve days. The deceased was sick only three days, a severe cold developing into pneumonia. Funeral services were conducted from the family residence and the church of San Miguel at half past nine o'clock Monday morning in the presence of a large attendance of sorrowing relatives and friends. Interment took place in the Catholic cemetery.

Her grave is recorded in Find A Grave. Click on this link to view the memorial.

Source: Death of Julianita Torres, Socorro Chieftain [microfilm], Socorro, New Mexico, 23 January 1909. Obituary for Julianita Torres, daughter of Canuto Torres & Isabelita Padilla y Torres.

Friday, October 7, 2016

1948 Socorro County Death Certificates, final list, ABC LAN

Here is the final list (3 of 3) of 1948 Socorro County death certificates that can be found on the Albuquerque Genealogy Center (ABC Libraries) LAN. These certificates have not previously been indexed. Please contact me if you wish to get information or get a copy of these certificates.

  1. Death Certificate: Antonia Viescas, 22 December 1948, Rural, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  2. Death Certificate: Jess Thomas Wheeler, 21 December 1948, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  3. Death Certificate: Unnamed Jarmillo, 16 December 1948, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  4. Death Certificate: Rosaura T. Gallegos, 4 December 1948, Rural, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  5. Death Certificate: Leroy Robert Sanchez, 2 December 1948, Magdalena, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  6. Death Certificate: Precilla B. Gonzales, 8 December 1948, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  7. Death Certificate: Clarence S. Towles, Jr., 3 December 1948, Rural, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  8. Death Certificate: Jacob Leiker, 2 December 1948, Rural, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  9. Death Certificate: Anastacia Carillo, 1 December 1948, Magdalena, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  10. Death Certificate: Abel Alderete, 1 December 1948, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  11. Death Certicate: Dolores Pino Sandoval, 27 November 1948, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  12. Death Certificate: William Homer Hill, 27 November 1948, Rural, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  13. Death Certificate: Victor Romero, 25 November 1948, Las Nutrias, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  14. Death Certificate: William Thompson Bonine, 25 November 1948, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  15. Death Certificate: Teresita Lopez, 13 November 1948, Magdalena, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  16. Death Certificate: Patricio or Pat Chavez, 11 November 1948, Magdalena, Socorro County, New Mexico. Infant.
  17. Death Certificate: Bernardino Baca, Veguita, Socorro County, New Mexico, 10 November 1948.
  18. Death Certificate: Robert B. East, 9 November 1948, Rural, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  19. Death Certificate: Luisa Chavez, 9 November 1948, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  20. Death Certificate: Unnamed Baca, 8 November 1948, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico. Infant.
  21. Death Certificate: Placida Diaz Chavez, 5 November 1948, Magdalena, Socorro County, New Mexico. Infant.
  22. Death Certificate: Melciader Castillo, 5 November 1948, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  23. Death Certificate: Wanda L. Lopez, 30 October 1948, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  24. Death Certificate: James Mitchell Hutchison, 30 October 1948, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  25. Death Certificate: Auroa B. Gallegos, 25 October 1948, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  26. Death Certificate: Pablo Cordova, 22 October 1948, La Joya, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  27. Death Certificate: John Alvie Clapp, 22 October 1948, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico. From Oklahoma.
  28. Death Certificate: Elizabeth Grace Chavez, 21 October 1948, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico. Infant.
  29. Death Certificate: (unnamed) Chavez, 15 October 1948, Magdalena, Socorro County, New Mexico. Infant.
  30. Death Certificate: Isidro Romero, La Joya, Socorro County, New Mexico,12 October 1948.
  31. Death Certificate: Eugene Reynolds, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico, 11 October 1948.
  32. Death Certificate: Benjamin Serito Gonzales, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico, 9 October 1948.
  33. Death Certificate: Luz L. Garcia, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico, 5 October 1948.
  34. Death Certificate: Beatriz Roybal, (Rural), Socorro County, New Mexico, 25 September 1948. Originally from Tremetina.
  35. Death Certificate: Rogerio Gabaldon, Socorro. Socorro County, New Mexico, 25 September 1948.
  36. Death Certificate: Nicanora Gomez Chavez, 25 September 1948, Magdalena, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  37. Death Certificate: Victor G. Segura, 30 miles south of Socorro (US Highway 85 Rural), 20 September 1948.
  38. Death Certificate: Samuel E. Wiswell, 17 September 1948, Polvadera, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  39. Death Certificate: Rufina Terin Otero, September 7, 1948, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico.
  40. Death Certificate: Margie Moya, September 7, 1948, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico. Infant.
  41. Death Certificate: (unnamed child) Jaramillo, 30 December 1948, Socorro, Socorro County, New Mexico.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Manuel Baca and the Socorro Land Grant

In late 1692 or early 1693, Manuel Baca and his family were enumerated in San Lorenzo, a community less than two leagues from El Paso:

Sixteenth household, three sons, three daughters

Manuel Baca, married to Maria de Salazar, with three sons and three daughters named Antonio, nine; Diego, one; Gregorio Baca, three; Maria, thirteen; Josefa, seven; Bernadina, five. He states that he is ready and equipped to carry out his majesty's orders, being given the aid necessary to enter and settle the Kingdom of New Mexico.
Source: John L. Kessell Rick Hendricks and Meredith Dodge, editors, To the Royal Crown Restored: The Journals of Don Diego de Vargas, New Mexico 1692-1694 (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1995), p. 53.

They were ready to help with the re-conquest and re-settlement of New Mexico by Spain, twelve years after the Pueblo Indians had chased away the Spanish from the colony.

Manuel Baca and Maria de Salazar were progenitors of many of the Baca families in New Mexico. They were also ancestors of many of a few of the founders of the Socorro Land Grant.

Of the families I identified as early settlers of Socorro based on an 1818 list of contributors to a Navajo war campaign, 10 people (including a couple) are descendants of Manuel Baca and Maria de Salazar:

Dionosio Antonio Baca (married to Ana Maria Sanchez)
-                   Dionosio Antonio Baca, Juan Francisco Baca, Juan Antonio Baca, Manuel Baca.

Lorenzo Tiburcio Padilla (married to Maria Josefa Montoya)
-                      Luis Tiburcio Padilla, Juan Domingo Padilla, Isabel Baca, Josefa Baca, Manuel Baca

Felipe Padilla (married to Maria Ysabel Silva)
-                      Felipe Padilla, Juan Domingo Padilla, Isabel Baca, Josefa Baca, Manuel Baca

Pedro Antonio Silva (married to Barbara Polonia Trujillo)
-                      Pedro Antonio Silva, Maria Febronia Baca, Diego Domingo Baca, Josefa Baca, Manuel Baca

Jose Antonio Baca (married to Maria Manuela Barreras)
-                      Jose Antonio Baca, Dionisio Antonio Baca, Juan Francisco Baca, Juan Antonio Baca, Manuel Baca

Maria Rafaela Baca (married to Anselmo Tafoya)
-                       Maria Rafaela Baca, Dionisio Antonio Baca, Juan Francisco Baca, Juan Antonio Baca, Manuel Baca

Diego Antonio Abeyta (married to Ana Maria Jacinta Montoya)
-                       Diego Antonio Abeyta, Maria Antonia Gallegos, Juana Maria Baca, Cristobal Baca, Manuel Baca

Jose Rafael Abeyta (married to Narcisa Padilla)
-                        Jose Rafael Abeyta, Maria Antonia Gallegos, Juana Maria Baca, Cristobal Baca, Manuel Baca

Maria Juliana Silva (married to Juan Antonio Trujillo)
-                        Maria Juliana Silva, Pedro Antonio Silva, Maria Febronia Baca, Diego Domingo Baca, Josefa Baca, Manuel Baca.

Maria Ysabel Silva (married to Felipe Padilla)
-                         Maria Ysabel Silva, Francisco Casmiro Isidoro Silva, Maria Febronia Baca, Diego Domingo Baca, Josefa Baca, Manuel Baca.

Ancestry for each person is shown below their name (example: Maria Ysabel Silva, is the daughter of Francisco Casmiro Isidro Silva, who is the son of Maria Febronia Baca, etc.) I can supply source information upon request.


Monday, October 3, 2016

Clementa Baca Abeyta - Free mini PDF book

As I'm preparing to begin publishing books, I've been practicing on formatting them in my genealogy database. As such, I've created a free mini PDF book that you may download for free. It is copyrighted, so please do not copy it for financial gain.

The subject of the book is a woman by the name of Clementa Baca Abeyta. She was married to Desiderio Abeyta in 1848 Socorro and had at least 4 children. They family lived in Socorro and La Parida in the middle of the 19th century.

Clementa Baca happened to be my 2nd great-grandfather Jose Crespin Torres' first cousin. Although I have not yet identified their grandfather Santiago Torres as a founder of Socorro, he was an early settler of the town.

Enjoy the book and feel free to comment and send me information that may help me with my research.

Free "Clementa Baca Abeyta" PDF book (click here!)

Sunday, October 2, 2016

List: More 1948 Socorro County Death Certificates, ABC LAN

Below is a list of additional 1948 Socorro Death Certificates, not previously indexed, that I found in the Albuquerque Genealogy Center (ABC Libraries) LAN. If you wish to have a copy of any of these death certificates, please let me know.

I apologize that some of the death certificates were difficult to read either due to incomprehensible handwriting or bad copying. I tried my best to interpret them.
  1. Death Certificate: Sisto Gallegos, Socorro, 2 September 1948.
  2. Death Certificate: Eloisa Ortega Salana (?), Socorro, 26 August 1948.
  3. Death Certificate: Donald Apachito, Dusty, 25 August 1948.
  4. Death Certificate: Benito Valenzuela, Magdalena, 23 August 1948.
  5. Death Certificate: Wayne Wesley Coates, Socorro, 17 August 1948.
  6. Death Certificate and Jury Verdict Form: Gilberto Esquibel, Bernardo, 6 August 1948.
  7. Death Certificate: Mateo Chavez, Socorro, 6 August 1948.
  8. Death Certificate: Maria Christina Baca, San Antonio, 1 August 1948.
  9. Death Certificate: Blanche Gutierrez, San Antonio, 30 July 1948.
  10. Death Certificate: Roman A. Castillo, Socorro, 27 July 1948.
  11. Death Certificate: Fernadita Isabel Lopez, Socorro, 17 July 1948.
  12. Death Certificate: Jacob E. Taylor, Socorro, 8 July 1948.
  13. Death Certificate: Mauricia Juarez, Socorro, 1 July 1948.
  14. Death Certificate: Josefina Barbaita Zamora, Socorro, 30 June 1948.
  15. Death Certificate: Dallas Burton Tingle, Socorro, 28 June 1948.
  16. Death Certificate: Aurelia Marquez Williamson, Socorro, 20 June 1948.
  17. Death Certificate: Charles Melvin McLeod, Socorro, 17 June 1948.
  18. Death Certificate: Phobe A. Key, Socorro, 10 June 1948.
  19. Death Certificate: Eufemia Martinez Sedillo, Socorro, 6 June 1948.
  20. Death Certificate: Evilyn Rouse, Magdalena, 3 June 1948.
  21. Death Certificate: Maria Chavez, Veguita, 30 May 1948.
  22. Death Certificate: Tomas Baca, Socorro, 24 May 1948.
  23. Death Certificate: Domitila T. Montoya, Socorro, 23 May 1948.
  24. Death Certificate: Elmer Aubra Rose, Socorro, 19 May 1948.
  25. Death Certificate: James A. Bishop, Socorro, 16 May 1948.
  26. Death Certificate: Edwardo Peralta Armijo, San Acacia, 16 May 1948.
  27. Death Certificate: William Woods, Socorro, 13 May 1948.
  28. Death Certificate: Soila Apodaca, Socorro, 6 May 1948.
  29. Death Certificate: Asencion Vasques, Lemitar, 3 May 1948.
  30. Death Certificate: Hala Luairi Torres, Socorro, 3 May 1948.
  31. Death Certificate: Alejandro Corrales, Socorro, 30 April 1948.
  32. Death Certificate: Clarence H. Mullins, Socorro, 28 April 1948.
  33. Death Certificate: Mattias Romero, San Marcial, 25 April 1948.
  34. Death Certificate: Nestor Saavedra, Socorro, 22 April 1948.
  35. Death Certificate: Eudosia Maez Gonzales, Socorro, 19 April 1948.
  36. Death Certificate: Mary Ella Duncan, 15 April 1948, San Antonio, New Mexico
  37. Death Certificate: Joy Ann Key, 14 April 1948, Socorro, New Mexico, infant
  38. Death Certificate: Mela T. Moya, Contreras, 2 September 1948.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A listing of 1948 Death Certificates for Socorro County

In my ongoing research for the Socorro Land Grant Project, I've found a number of records that cannot be found online. These are from the Albuquerque Genealogy Center's LAN system. Below are names of people who died in  Socorro County in 1948 and have death certificates registered with the state. If you have any questions about these certificates or wish to have a copy, please let me know. My email is 

This list shows name, place of death, and date of death. Death certificates for "unnamed" persons are for stillborn or infant deaths. 
  1. Death Certificate: Joy Ann Key, Socorro, 14 April 1948
  2. Death Certificate: Mitchell Ellis, Socorro, 13 April 1948
  3. Death Certificate: Lupe Baca Duran, Magdalena, 13 April 1948
  4. Death Certificate: Jose F. Echenique, San Acacia, 6 April 1948
  5. Death Certificate: Gregoria Anderez Franzo, Contreras, 4 April 1948
  6. Death Certificate: George Goge, Magdalena, 3 April 1948
  7. Death Certificate: Nora Agnes Rickello, Magdalena, 2 April 1948
  8. Death Certificate: Leonicia Costales, 30 March 1948
  9. Death Certificate: Jesus Zamora, Socorro, 26 March 1948
  10. Death Certificate: Abel Arvizo, San Antonio, 21 March 1948
  11. Death Certificate: Alfonso Martinez, Socorro, 11 March 1948
  12. Death Certificate: Tomasita Cordova, Lemitar, 7 March 1948
  13. Death Certificate: Maximiano Montano, Socorro, 6 March 1948
  14. Death Certificate: Unnamed Minitris, Magdalena, 5 March 1948 (alive only 8 hours, 30 minutes)
  15. Death Certificate: Bibianita Peralta, La Joya, 4 march 1848
  16. Death Certificate: Cardenio Gonzales Chavez, Magdalena, 20 Feb 1948
  17. Death Certificate: Frank J. Zengerle, San Antonio, 14 Feb 1948
  18. Death Certificate: Sinseda Gomez, Magdalena, 9 February 1948 (alive only 9 hours)
  19. Death Certificate: Romona Peralta Aragon, Magdalena, 10 February 1948
  20. Death Certificate: K. L. Tuton, Rural area of Socorro County, 3 February 1948
  21. Death Certificate: Harold Estishbaugh, Magdalena, 30 Jan 1930
  22. Death Certificate: Pelacio Archuleta, San Marcial, 25 January 1948
  23. Death Certificate: Fernalita Lopez, Socorro, 9 January 1948
  24. Death Certificate: Frances Josepa Griego, Socorro, 2 January 1948